Movement Voter Project

A global pandemic, an economic crisis, and a deeply divided country make this fall’s election fraught with more challenges than ever before. Understanding what is at stake in the 2020 election and beyond, the McDougal Family Foundation Board of Directors took a bold and unprecedented step: a $1.5 million special opportunity grant to Movement Voter Project.

Movement Voter Project works to strengthen progressive power at all levels of government through support and direct funding of hundreds of incredible organizations that both turn out unlikely voters and organize communities to grow their power and create transformation, from policy to the streets. Its work is grounded in supporting organizations that do year-round local organizing work and voter mobilization work during election cycles, with a strong emphasis on people of color and youth organizations. Its focus is on local organizations that are rooted in their community and led by people who reflect that community.

Half of the McDougal funds will go to Movement Voter Project’s Black-Led Organizing Fund; the remainder will be allocated by Movement Voter Project where the organization needs.

Photo courtesy of movement voter project

Photo courtesy of movement voter project