The Great Lakes and the communities that depend on the lakes for their livelihoods and drinking water are at risk because of human and industrial activity, climate change, and neglect of our water infrastructure. Climate change is creating more intense storms and increased variability of Great Lakes water levels, compounding existing issues and creating new ones.

We support regional efforts to protect and restore the Great Lakes by investing in solutions that reduce water pollution threats from wastewater treatment, stormwater management, and industrial, urban, and agriculture run-off; and we support efforts to build large-scale climate resilience, particularly in regions where low-income communities are most heavily burdened by these issues. We prioritize efforts that focus on Lake Michigan.

Our grants focus on three broad areas:

  • Policy and Practice: Advancement of policies and institutional practices that address persistent water problems in the region.

  • Innovation: Testing and scaling innovative solutions or technological advancements that solve persistent water problems and provide environmental benefits for all.

  • Pollution Mitigation: Regional efforts to reduce industrial, urban, and agricultural runoff into the Great Lakes.

  • Equity: Regional efforts to address urban flooding in under-resourced communities that center the voice of those most impacted by the problem.

We prioritize organizations and projects that:

  • Provide measurable environmental benefits.

  • Advance the field.

  • Are informed by the voices of scientists, conservationists, and people living in communities of color and low‐income communities.

How We Fund

Organizations that meet the eligibility requirements and are engaged in activities consistent with the strategies described in these guidelines may apply either for general operating support or for project‐specific support.

 Grants are not available for:

  • Endowments or capital campaigns/projects

  • Debt or deficit reduction

  • Religious or political purposes

  • Environmental education and recreation

  • Restoration and stewardship

  • Efforts that do not have a strong focus on the Great Lakes

Application Process

Deadlines: Decisions:

November 15, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. CST February 2025

April 19, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. CST July 2025

Applications are submitted online: CLICK HERE

Note: If you plan to request general operating support, we will consider whether your mission and overall activities are a good fit with our guidelines and the extent to which you are leading in your field.


Should you receive a grant, you will be expected to submit a final report at the completion of the grant period. We accept final reports prepared for other funders.

photo by Lloyd DeGrane (top)